How to take group photos

As a photographer, you’ll get to the point you’ll have to take a group photo. For some, it’s once in a lifetime; for others, it’s a weekly thing. As one of the frequent group photographers, I’d like to help you make your first group shot.

Making group photos has several benefits. It captures a moment in time of that fun group you’re with on a trip. Or it shows your team to potential clients. 

Let’s get started with creating group photos

What gear to use for a group photo

There are some things you need. Besides a camera, of course.

A medium to wide-angle lens usually works the best. Depending on your group size and location, using a wide-angle lens like a 35mm is usually the safest bet.

Even though I hate using them, I can recommend a tripod. 

A tripod can help you use the trigger or timer if you need to be in the group shot.

A tripod also keeps your shot consistent. That way, you can easily make several shots. If necessary, you can stitch some photos together to ensure everyone has their eyes open and looks at the camera—something I highly recommend with bigger groups.

The bigger the group, the bigger the chance someone is looking away or has their eyes closed. With the tripod you get several shots that you can easily overlay in Photoshop and then use the masking tool to ensure you have the perfect version of everyone on the final group photo.

How to take group photos with everyone in focus – settings

The most important camera setting for a group photo is your aperture. Use a higher f-number like f8 or f11 for bigger groups.

Using a smaller aperture opening helps ensure that every member of the group is in focus in the photo. Depending on the group’s depth, you can start at f5.6, but usually, f8 is a bit safer.

Use a faster shutter speed, too, like 1/200 and up. It freezes the people, and it’s handy when you let them jump or do something crazy for one of the shots.

ISO, you can adjust as needed. Of course, you’d best try to keep it as low as possible. Using an outdoor location and a bright day can help with that. Though ISO is more of an afterthought these days with modern noise reduction (AIs).

Tips and tricks to make your group photos better

Let’s make any group photo better with some simple tips

1. Find the optimal timing for the group

It’s always nice to ensure that no one is excluded from the photo. Timing the creation of it at the moment everyone is present and available helps, but it’s sometimes impossible.

Sometimes, the entire group isn’t available at the same time. You can try to do some photo compositing. Or you can accept the reality that it will never be perfect and take the photo with everyone who can be present.

2. Use a couch or seats

Depending on the couch, you can use it for up to 10 people. Some can sit down, and others can stand behind it.

Letting the tallest people sit in the front might seem counterintuitive, but it equalizes their heights. Making them stand out less 

3. Have people huddle up

It might feel too close for them, but for the photo, it often looks better if they are close together—even with their shoulders touching. Make the group as compact as possible.

4. Make sure the lens can see all faces

Usually, I look through the viewfinder to see if everyone is visible and ask if everyone can see the lens. Depending on how cooperative the group is, this can be enough. I can direct them to move left or right a bit or swap places.

5. Shoot multiple photos of the group

You’ll soon notice that people blink a lot when doing group photos. And not all at the same time. Taking several photos helps you choose an image that looks good to everyone. Or you can Photoshop a composite with the best pictures.

Remember to make an empty photo of just the background, too. It can sometimes help when compositing.

6. Shoot during the setup too

While still directing everyone to their place, taking some photos is sometimes fun. The chaos and funny interactions can make for good photos.

7. Build the group from the center

Whether it’s a bride, a CEO, or someone else important. Put them at the center first, then start building the group around them. It often helps you to set up the group and give directions.

It’s easier to tell people to “scoot closer to the groom” than it is for them to understand “everyone at the left, go a small step closer to your right. No, a bit more. More. No less again.”

8. One photographer at a time

Even if you are the official photographer for the day, someone with an iPhone is always trying to get the photo, too. Ensure they understand they must wait for their turn and not shoot simultaneously. 

A group photo is already chaotic, and having people confused about what lens to watch only makes it worse. Neither will have good results, so make sure everyone who needs a photo does it in their turn.

9 Obi-Wan the group

Get the high ground.

It can help to be at a higher vantage point than the group. If you work in layers, people can look at the lens more easily.

How to photograph large groups

Larger groups can be especially challenging. They require a specific set of tips and settings. Groups larger than 20 are often best photographed somewhere outdoors. This way, you can get far enough so everyone is in the frame.

Because you’ll probably need a smaller aperture, like f11, the extra daylight will help.

A wide lens works, too. 28mm or even wider might be necessary, especially if you don’t have a good outdoor location and end up doing it indoors anyway.

Take charge of the group, too. Be firm and give direct directions so everyone knows their spot in this chaos. It’s best to even them out, too. Make the group more or less visually symmetrical.

How to make a group photo FAQ

How to take group photos with everyone in focus

Focus on the first row of people and use a larger f-stop number (smaller hole) like f8 or even f11. For deeper groups, you can focus on the second or even third row to maximize your depth of field use.

Best camera settings for large group photos

A large f-stop like f8 or f11, a faster shutter speed than 1/200, and as low an ISO as possible. Then, use burst mode and a wide-angle lens to shoot plenty of frames of the group.

The best aperture for group photos

is f5.6 for groups of two rows. Use f8 for larger groups and f11 for even bigger groups.

The best lens for group photos

is anything wide enough to get the group in frame. You can do it with a 50mm if you get far enough back and get plenty of space. But you’ll have to shout a lot harder. So, using a 35mm or anything wider is recommended.

The best shutter speed for group photos

Anything faster than 1/200. This way, you can freeze any motion in the group.

How to take good group photos with iPhone

Use any tips I mention in this article, and remember to make your photo horizontal and fill your frame.

What to do with your hands in group pictures

You can casually put one hand in your pocket, cross it in front of your chest (if that pose works for you), relax your shoulders and let them hang by your side, or, of course, enthusiastically put it in the air.