What a year it was. I don’t think I have to tell you about the pandemic. And even though the little virus kind of controlled our lives, there was still plenty of room to do things. So let’s talk about the things I did in 2020.
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Would you rather – Travel questions edition
Dilemmas are a fun game to play. Especially when you have some time to waste. Waiting at the airport, driving a long distance, or just traveling by train. It’s fun to ask your friends these questions and get discussions going.
Read moreMy ultimate travel and photography goals for 2021
Finally, 2019 is ending, two years after it started. (I’m not acknowledging 2020). It’s nice to start thinking about the goals I want to accomplish in 2021. It was hard to think about them. As a travel blogger and corporate photographer, the past year was.. err dull and excruciating.
Read moreWhat I learned from running my professional photography business
It’s been seven years now since I started my own photography business in 2017. It’s been a rollercoaster ride so far and, hopefully, one that can continue on for a while still.
Read moreWe, ‘influencers’, should stop asking for freebies
It’s too often that I see a message on photo websites about influencers who approached someone to get a free service or product. Something that I find disgusting to read.
My worst travel experience (so far)
I just came back from what so far is my worst travel experience. It was a city trip to Riga, a beautiful city I would love to visit again. Next time, I would do things differently tho…
Get to know me tag
As you know, I sometimes like to do a tag. It helps me put more personality in this blog. You know my photography and travels and how I choose to experience them. But you don’t really know much more. That’s why I do these. Enjoy!
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