Photo overview of Botswana

Botswana is safari/game drive heaven. The place to go for nature and animal lovers. You can visit the Okavango Delta and witness the mighty hippo. Go to Chobe National park to encounter the kind elephant. Or maybe visit Savuti National park and look for the strong lion.

Botswana is a very photogenic country. A lot of places are great to take photos of animals and other things you find in nature. In this blog post, I like to present you the photo overview of my trip in Botswana.

The People of Botswana

Going on a trip means you also will meet a lot of new people. People that are there for an entire trip and people that are there for a couple of hours. This is a collection of photos I made of all those people.

  • The San People explaining everything about fire making, collecting berries and hunting animals.
  • The Mokoro drivers bringing us all around the Okavango Delta by boat
  • Boston the animal-spotter. A quiet but oh so friendly man.
  • Ghali the tracker. Bringing us close to animals with safety always on his mind
  • Johnson the driver. Finding animals easily and giving us plenty of time and angels to photograph.

The Okavango Delta in Botswana

The first stop in nature for me was the Okavango Delta. After a boat-ride that took us about three hours, we finally arrived at our camp on Peperi Island. There we stayed in tents for three nights. Each night we heard animals nearby. Especially the roaring of lions.

During the day we did walking safari’s and sometimes took the Mokoro to go to other islands. An adventure full of running from hippo’s, enjoying boats, and soaring through the sky in helicopters.

Moremi National Park in Botswana

The second stop in a big nature reserve was Moremi National Park. We stayed in small tents for two nights. Our camp was even visited by a wild hyena. Just to show you how wild the campsites are. Good thing that getting close to nature also means experiencing nature to it’s fullest.

Savuti National Park in Botswana

Back to back with Moremi, was a visit to Savuti. A region where we spotted loads of lion, hyena babies, and elephants. Another two nights of camping in the wild. This time too close to a hyena den to my taste. It was still a couple of kilometers, but still.

A collection of the elephants of Botswana

Although I’ve seen a lot of them, and after a while, you kind of wished you saw other animals too, elephants are so intense.

Babies seeking safety near their mother, bulls walking around alone with power, or herds of elephant roaming around and observing you. I thought a collection of all the elephant pictures would be a nice tribute to this immense and powerful animals.

My favorite Botswana pictures

It’s not in any of the previous categories, but I have to share it. This photo was made during a lightning storm in the Makgadikgadi salt pan. We were camping in the open air at One-tree island. Right in the middle of the immense salt pans. Kilometers of nothing to all sides. An awesome view of the lightning bolts in the distance and the vastness of space right above us.

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