As a photography blogger, I know how hard it can be to get inspiration for something to write about. So I decided to make this little guide for you and me.
First, let’s talk briefly about why blogging about photography can be so interesting.
For me, it helped me think about certain aspects more. It also motivated me to learn more and to keep busy. Experimenting and trying new things.
Technical ideas to blog about
The technical aspect of photography is what attracts some to it. For others, it’s the annoying part of it. Anyway, it’s where we start the exploration of topics to write about as a photography blogger.
Write about a technique you recently used/discovered
Often we discover and try new techniques. It could be interesting to write about one you recently discovered.
You could explain why you decided to use it and why it helped you create a particular shot. Or why it didn’t help you at all.
Explain a technique you master
There are plenty of techniques to speak about. Pick one you like using. Or a technique you use a lot and discuss all aspects of it. You may have a creative way of using that technique.
A couple of possible techniques you can write about
- Aperture
- Shutterspeed
- Noise redution
- Double Exposure
- …

Review a piece of gear
All photographers spend too much money on gear. So why not write about the last piece you bought? Any piece of equipment will do, as long as you have used it and formed an opinion.
What did you like about it? Or didn’t you like it at all? Is it useful for a specific situation, or is it more all-round? Is it essential or better to just rent whenever necessary?
Possible gear to review:
- Camera’s
- Lenses
- Tripods
- Flashes
- Bags
- …
Location ideas to blog about
Photography is more than just knowing your camera and making an excellent composition. You have to find the proper locations. That could be interesting to write about too.
Write about a location you enjoy photographing the most. Or one you have a lot of experience photographing with.
Perhaps you haven’t been to a location yet, but you are desperate to do so.
Or create a list. Places in your city that are the best for portraits, for example.
Creative ideas to blog about
For the photographers on the other side of the spectrum, there’s much to say about the creative side too.
It could be in combination with the technical side of how a particular lighting setup helped you express something. Or how double exposure helped you tell a story.
You can also explain your vision. Why did you keep specific photos in color? Or why did you make them monochrome? What was the creative decision behind it?

Talk about your gear bag
It doesn’t have to be a full review, but you can speak about what you usually bring with you on a photoshoot or trip. And why. Often it’s not interesting to say you bring a 70-200mm lens, but it is interesting to hear why you carry it. And how you use it.
Is there anything you aren’t using anymore? Or is there something you are still missing?
Write about a recent shoot/trip you did
Did you go on holiday? Or a day away with the family? Anywhere anytime you took photos, you can share those photos and talk about them some more.
Why did you make them? What decision did you take creatively? Or perhaps, technically? What gear was essential to create the photos? Or who did you use as inspiration to create the images?
The possibilities are endless.
I’m curious about your blog posts. Let me know what you will write about next in the comments!
Excellent tips and great photos to follow along! Thank you!