Book review: Breathe by James Nestor

I don’t think I have ever written a book review before. So here we go: a first. Take a deep breath, and let’s get this review going. Funny enough, it’s the book Breathe by James Nestor.

I’ve been reading a lot of books for the past few years. But now I also want to get into the habit of reviewing them some more. Breathe is a good one to try out first, I think.

The book talks mainly about how we breathe. It seems obvious, of course. And as usual, these books tell us we are doing it wrong. It also tells us why.

And the solution is pretty straightforward. Chew chewy food and breathe through the nose. Okay, bye, I saved you the money and effort of buying this book.

Just joking. The book is a fun adventure of the author telling us about his journey in breathing. The experiments he participated in and how he became a pulmonaut.

The personal angle makes it more fun to read. It’s not just some information thrown upon you; there’s a story.

But it’s not all about Mr. Nestor in his book Breathe. He, of course, uses his story to guide us through the research he wants to mention. The research he discovered during his own search. Making the book part personal, part scientific research.

I bought the book after being curious if breathing through my nose or mouth would be the best while running. I did get my answer in the book. And much more. However, the gap between knowing and doing still exists in my life.

Throughout the book, we learn about several modern experiments doctors and scientists conducted regarding our lungs and breathing. But also some in which the author participates. He also refers to lots of ancient texts and wisdom. Showing how much we already knew but forgot somehow.

I found the book to be well-written. It was easy to read. I was often eager to read one more chapter. Just one more. It was also very motivating to start reading in it every day. I finished it within a week, which is reasonably fast for me.

I highly recommend the book for people interested in the human body and its functions. There are some unorthodox techniques and ideas, but that makes the book so interesting.

The author is also, at least it feels like he is, critical of those techniques. He’s merely presenting them as a possibility, which I do appreciate.

Breathe is for open-minded yet critical readers to enjoy and discover a new world.

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